The only criterion for membership is a score at or above the 99th percentile level on a qualifying and valid supervised test of intelligence. For questions about membership contact the Office.

ACT (until 1989) 99th percentile
Army General Classification Test (AGCT or GT) 145
Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQT) 99th percentile
California Test of Mental Maturity IQ 137
Cattell B IQ 156
Cattell (Culture Fair) IQ 140
Cattell Culture Free (Test 2B) 39
Cattell Culture Free (Test 3A) 35
Cattell (Verbal) IQ 156
Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) 99th percentile
Concept Mastery Test 135
DAT2 Cognitive Battery 135
Figure Reasoning Test 99th percentile
GRE (after 12/2011) 99th percentile verbal or quantitative
GRE (10/2002 through 11/2011) 740 (verbal only)
GRE (5/1994 through 09/2002) 1950 (combined verbal,
     math, & analytical)
GRE (prior to 5/94) 1300 (combined verbal and math)
Henmon-Nelson 135
IST-2000R 99th percentile
Kaufman (KAIT or K-ABC II-NU) 135
Law School Admission Test (1994-present) 172
Law School Admission Test (1984-1993) 41 or 99th percentile
Law School Admission Test (pre 1983) 694
Lorge-Thorndike 142 or 99th percentile

Mensa Admission Test  raw score 97 or 99th percentile *
Miller Analogies Test 99th percentile
Naglieri Non-Verbal Assessment Test (NNAT) 99th percentile
Navy Classification Test (1954-present) 68
Navy Classification Test (1948-1953) 74
Navy Classification Test (1942-1943) 88
Otis-Alpha 143
Otis-Lennon Mental Ability Test 138
Otis-Lennon School Ability Index 138
PSAT (through 5/31/1993) 99th percentile
Reynolds (RAIT Total Intelligence Index or
     Total Battery Intelligence Index; RIAS or
     RIAS-2) 99th percentile
Scholastic Aptitude Test (through 1/31/1994) 1300
     (combined verbal and math)
Schubert General Ability Battery 145
Slosson Intelligence Test  Revised 138
SON-R IQ 135
Stanford-Binet (Form L-M) IQ 137
Stanford-Binet (SB5) IQ 135
Test of Nonverbal Intelligence (TONI-3) IQ 135
Wechsler Intelligence Scale (WISC, WAIS, WPPSI) IQ 135
Woodcock-Johnson III Tests of Cognitive Abilities 135

NOTE: No self-administered tests will be accepted.

*While American Mensa has suspended sending scores to members, they have a release form that members can fill out and return to them, and the scores will be released directly to the Intertel office.  That form can be obtained from the  American Mensa website or the Intertel office.  Raw test scores can be correlated to percentile by the Intertel office.  Mensans who incur a fee to obtain their test scores will receive a discount on their first year's dues if they use those scores to join Intertel.

NOTE: European versions of tests that Intertel accepts can have different scores/percentiles than the American versions. The scores listed on our website only apply to the American versions. The percentile is the important criterion. Intertel will accept Mensa percentile reports as qualifying evidence.

LAPSED MEMBERS need not reapply. Contact the Office for reinstatement.  Please include your current address in your email.

NEW APPLICANTS: The $10 Application fee is for processing only. "Subscription period: Unlimited" below means you may apply at any time. If your application is accepted (following submission of your evidence of eligibility), you will be billed for annual dues prorated from your date of acceptance until January 1. "Renewal period: Never" which will show later in the process means that your application will expire only if you fail to send in your evidence or pay dues within a reasonable time.

You may submit a legible photocopy of your evidence of qualifying eligibility to:
Intertel, Inc.
PO BOX 2404
South Portland, ME  04116
or an electronic copy following the instructions in the application acknowledgment email you receive.

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Application - $10.00 (USD) Subscription period: Unlimited

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All contents of this site are © Intertel. World Rights Reserved. Site content and images cannot be used without the express written consent of Intertel. For questions about membership contact the Office. For trouble with this page contact Support.
Last Update: 2020-07-03

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